This Week’s Community Group Questions
Hinge Points: Sharing the Gospel with Wisdom
Pastor Dean Annen | September 15, 2024
ICE BREAKER: Describe a time when you’ve been locked out of something. How did you finally get in? Or did you?
- What has caused you to grow the most in your faith and your relationship with God? Describe it. Was it:
- Something you were intentional about?
- Something that just ‘happened’?
- Along with the group – list some reasons to share the Gospel. Are some of these more important than the others?
- Read Colossian 4:3-6. Which do you find you’re better at? Worse at?
- Praying for ‘open doors’
- Sharing the Gospel with others
- Being concise & clear with the Gospel
- Being gracious in how you speak
- Ask the group if anyone has ever experienced an ‘Open Door’ for the Gospel. What was it like? What happened?
- What are the important elements of the Gospel?
- Discuss why they are important.
- Are some more important than others? Why or why not?
- Be bold 🙂 Have one or two people, in 2-3 sentences total, explain:
- WHAT the Gospel is
- WHY the Gospel is important
- Now applaud them say “Whoot Whoot!”
- Individually, take 5 minutes and write down names of people you know who do not yet trust Jesus as their Savior.
- Select 3-5 names to pray for (later & on-going)
- Share these later in prayer time
- Find a prayer partner who can support you in praying for your names
- What is one thing God is asking you to start doing, stop doing, or keep doing?
- How did God use this message to teach, train, challenge, convict, or encourage you?