This Week’s Community Group Questions

Hinge Points: Sharing the Gospel with Wisdom

Pastor Dean Annen | September 15, 2024

ICE BREAKER: Describe a time when you’ve been locked out of something. How did you finally get in? Or did you?
  1. What has caused you to grow the most in your faith and your relationship with God? Describe it. Was it:
    1. Something you were intentional about?
    2. Something that just ‘happened’?
  2. Along with the group – list some reasons to share the Gospel. Are some of these more important than the others?
  3. Read Colossian 4:3-6. Which do you find you’re better at? Worse at?
    1. Praying for ‘open doors’
    2. Sharing the Gospel with others
    3. Being concise & clear with the Gospel
    4. Being gracious in how you speak
  4. Ask the group if anyone has ever experienced an ‘Open Door’ for the Gospel. What was it like? What happened?
  5. What are the important elements of the Gospel?
    1. Discuss why they are important.
    2. Are some more important than others? Why or why not?
  6. Be bold 🙂 Have one or two people, in 2-3 sentences total, explain:
    1. WHAT the Gospel is
    2. WHY the Gospel is important
    3. Now applaud them say “Whoot Whoot!”
  7. Individually, take 5 minutes and write down names of people you know who do not yet trust Jesus as their Savior.
    1. Select 3-5 names to pray for (later & on-going)
    2. Share these later in prayer time
    3. Find a prayer partner who can support you in praying for your names
  8. What is one thing God is asking you to start doing, stop doing, or keep doing?
  9. How did God use this message to teach, train, challenge, convict, or encourage you?