During the summer, we get outdoors for a monthly, late afternoon, church-wide picnic at Dave & Julie Antioho’s house. These picnics are a great time to connect with other members of Village Church over some food, games, and swim time. At our first picnic of 2023, we’ll start the afternoon off with baptisms and swimming. If this is your first time joining us, here are some important things you need to know. It’s a potluck, so please bring a main dish to share. Additionally, we divvy up desserts and sides. If your last name starts with A-L, bring a dessert. If your last name starts with M-Z, bring a side. Bring something to sit on (a picnic blanket, camping chairs, etc.), disposable eating utensils (plates, cutlery, napkins), and bathing suits for the open swim time. We expect to host several more picnics on July 2, August 6, and September 10.